Environmental Control

Aprisol Oy is an exporter of used copiers, printers and personal computer devices in Finland. The operational objective is to extend the life cycle of the products by re-selling them to such markets areas, where the devices have market value.

Therefore  there has been made a decision to advantage in activities during 2008 to become one of the forerunners in taking enviromental development in regard. Concequently we aim in our activities to prevent pollution on enviroment and to take care of that our activities are not generating negative effects in our surroundings. As an objective in taking care of enviromental questions is continuous development, thus we are becoming more effective in making cleaner enviroment and paying attention to needs of sustainable development.

Aprisol Oy strives for considering any possible negative enviromental effect of its activities and utilizing its enviromental system to make possible negative effects minor and prevent creation of those. Further more, we oblige to conform with laws and prevent spoiling of our surroundings. The aim of our activities is to satisfy the needs of our customers with our products, simultaneously helping in creation of cleaner enviroment.

Aprisol Oy has a certified enviroment management system (ISO 14001). When you are co-operating with Aprisol Oy, You can trust that all enviromental aspects are taken care.

Copyright © 2006 Aprisol Oy all rights reserved. To contact sales@aprisol.com